
Money For Nothing And Your Changes For Free (Jeff Sutherland)

Page history last edited by Jeff Sutherland 15 years, 11 months ago

Slides from this presentation can be found at http://jeffsutherland.com/scrum/Agile2008MoneyforNothing.pdf


A good product owner can increase revenue by 20% in the first year.


The PO releases the product as soon as the benefit of doing more stories is less than the cost of shipping later.


Extreme Data Point


Jeff ended the session by proposing that "projects are bad". This is a feeling shared by some other agilistas and companies, and more information will be published on this topic, hopefully later this year for further discussion.


Why are projects bad? Mostly because of tremendous start up / tear down costs. The new idea is to keep teams together, and have them all working on a continuous stream of work from a shared backlog. Work is then packaged up somehow into deliverables to clients. One way to do this approach is to productize architecture.


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